
About Me

Virginia born and raised. Probably died too, but you never know.

Barista by day, occasionally a wannabe photographer by night, weather permitting.

Oh, and a student by any free time I get.

Ex-homeschooler. But don't tell me I graduated from homeschool. I graduated from highschool, which I was homeschooled through. I've never worn a denim jumper. Or had an embroidered Bible carrier.

Wannabe world traveler.

User of excessive amounts of sarcasm.

I take things too seriously, and not seriously enough all the time.

I get stressed too easily, about school, life, and like, basically anything that you could possibly get stressed about.

I love Disney movies.

Favorite princess: Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, PrinCESS of Genovia. (don't judge me)

Favorite movie line of all time: "I love you." "Thanks."  (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Favorite food: homemade macaroni and cheese. Right out of the oven. Just try and stop me.

Given enough sweet tea, I could rule the world. Or coffee. One or the other.

Oh and in case you were wondering this is me:

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."

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