
Monday, April 8, 2013

A letter to me.


I know they say older is wiser, but I'm afraid that's not always the case. Everyone always writes letters to their younger self, here's my letter to my 10 years older self. The me who is yet to exist, who I hope to be, and who I hope not to be.

Dear 2023 edition Rebekah,

You're kind of great, in case you had forgotten. Actually, you're not all that awesome, but don't let that make you feel like you're worthless, cause you're not.

Remember who you are simba, er, Bekah. You are a child of God, you are a sister, a daughter, a friend. And there are people who love you. And people who don't really like you, but eh.

You better have yourself a degree (or two!) by now, or I'm going to hit you once I get there. Utilize that degree. Don't let all the hard work you did go to waste. Even if it's just telling some random person a great cultural fun-fact. Oh, and you better be pretty darn good at Spanish by now. Are you up for a 3rd language? Because younger you was really hoping you'd be ambitious enough to go for it.

If you don’t have on already, you should totally splurge and buy yourself the 80mm lens you’ve been eyeing since you were 15. Unless that would be a totally irresponsible financial decision at this point…then just do what you’ve been doing for over a decade and drool over the Amazon page for it.

Don't settle for less, and don't compromise your beliefs. Be accepting, but don't compromise. Take the high road, don't seek revenge, it won't do you any good. And like Martin Luther King, Jr said, "Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."

Don't get too high and mighty for your own good. You can't singlehandedly save the world. Remember, you need Africa or Central America or wherever the heck your heart is right now, more than they need you. Never forget what you've seen, never forget how fortunate you are, never become complacent.

Please never take any duck face photos. I mean, you can take them jokingly all you want, but the first time you take one to try and look attractive, punch yourself in the forehead.

Don't ever become a people pleaser. Don't seek to make people mad or annoyed, but don't do things just to please other people, or to make them most comfortable, to fit into their little box they want you in.

Don't ever let what people think cause you to stray from whatever path God has put you on. Remember that people (including you!!) are dumb, but God is not. Walk in a manner worthy of the calling.

I hope you can still do the hoedown throwdown and sing every song from the Sound of Music. I hope you still think Princess Diaries is the best. I hope you never forget how awesome/strange snuggies were.

I'm kind of curious if you dress any better now than you did when this was being written. As in, do you still dress like a run-down stay at home mom? I hope so. Remember, comfort trumps fashion, no matter what pinterest says.

Just because you're old and boring doesn't mean you have to be old and boring. Do something, explore, try new things. Build a blanket fort every now and then.

Dude, your cat is probably dead, or like 23 (so let's just assume dead) I hope you didn't wake up one morning to find her dead cat body next to you. That would be traumatizing.

HAHAHA. You know what I just realized? You could totally be married by now. Well, if you are, I hope he's super weird and like all of your wedding pictures are of you making hideous faces at the camera.

You should do something spontaneous every now and then, I mean I know you sort of hate spontaneity and really enjoy having plans written in permanent markers, but you should probably try doing something unplanned.

Go listen to some of the music and watch some of the movies teenage you liked, feel free to judge yourself. I don’t mind at all.

Keep your eyes open, look for the beauty in everyday life. Slow down, don't get so caught up in life, that you miss your life. Don't fear the future, look forward to it! But not so much that you miss what is happening today and tomorrow.

Always remember that Mother Teresa quote about never knowing how much good a simple smile can do. And quit being such a grumpy cat. (I'm just assuming, you know, you're still a Mr. Grumpy Gills (shark bait hoohaha) quite often.

Wherever you are now, remember where you came from. Remember the Blue Ridge mountain view, the annual lady bug invasions, the historical sites markers on the side of every road. Remember getting stuck behind tractors on back roads, always seeing someone you know at grocery stores, and the deer being idiots and jumping out in the road every 4 seconds. Remember how much you enjoy mowing, remember your 'gorgeous' farmer's tan, and the way cool creek water feels in the summer.

But don’t remember to much. Not too the point where you get all stupid and worthless because you want to go back in time.  Keep pressing on. Do stuff.

See ya in 10 years,


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