I’m pretty sure I wasn’t 7 here, but I didn’t feel like scanning more pictures.
Today I was going through my closet and found my journal. I had this short-lived “journaling or having a diary is so cool” stage. I think I wrote in it 15 times in my life.
I wrote strange little things like,
“My favoritE food is chockolote.” The ‘E’ on favorite was scribbled in later.
“School is peachey.” I don’t think I knew what “peachey” meant.
“My brother is sassy.”
“My cat is Sally she likes peaple.”
“Once I went to kingsdemen it was swell as can be.” I meant Kings Dominion.
“My brother smells like a turkey. hehheheeeheh.” I guess I thought I was funny. I want to know when I smelled a turkey.
“I have a sister she looks like me but we arent twins at all.”
And my absolute favorite, I actually laughed out loud at this one:
“I do not understand the world. I do not understand my life.”